ISM Report Reveals ‘A Critical Time For Music Education’

The Incorporated Society of Musicians (ISM) has published its latest report on music education in England, revealing ‘huge inequalities’ in the provision, ‘inadequate funding’, and ‘devastating testimony’ from music teachers.
Drawing on an ISM survey running from 16 November 2021 to 10 January 2022, Music: A subject in peril? collates responses from more than 500 music teachers.
Aiming to ‘take stock’ of music provision in schools and offer recommendations to policy-makers, the report is billed as ‘uncomfortable reading’.
Some findings have been teased over the last few weeks, including the statistic that 99 per cent of respondents want to be consulted on the imminent National Plan for Music Education (NPME).
Trauer um den Dirigenten Michail Jurowski
Geboren in einer russischen Künstlerfamilie, wuchs Michail Juroswki mitten im Kulturleben Moskaus auf. Sein Vater war der Komponist Wladimir Jurowski und verkehrte mit den namhaften Künstlern der Zeit: Dimitri Schostakowitsch, David Oistrach oder Aram Chatschaturian. Besonders geprägt hatte ihn bereits damals Schostakowitsch.

In Honour of Michail Jurowski
Born into a Russian family of artists, Michail Yuroswki grew up in the midst of Moscow’s cultural life. His father was the composer Vladimir Jurowski and associated with the well-known artists of the time: Dimitri Shostakovich, David Oistrakh and Aram Khachaturian. Shostakovich had already had a particularly strong influence on him. As a child, he was allowed to play the four-handed piano with him, later becoming its leading interpreter.
An incredible conductor, known for his work in Germany, as well as various orchestras around the world, he received critical acclaim throughout his career.
Guerre en Ukraine : une ballerine star du Bolchoï fuit Moscou pour Amsterdam
Olga Smirnova, « prima ballerina » (danseuse étoile) du légendaire Ballet du Théâtre Bolchoï de Moscou, a quitté la Russie pour rejoindre la compagnie du Dutch National Ballet à Amsterdam.
Une décision qui fait suite à une déclaration dans laquelle la danseuse de 30 ans, dont le grand-père est Ukrainien, affichait très clairement son opposition, et même sa honte, face à la guerre menée en Ukraine.

Bolshoi Star Ballerina Flees Moscow for Amsterdam
Olga Smirnova, ‘prima ballerina’ (prima ballerina) of the legendary Bolshoi Theatre Ballet in Moscow, has left Russia after feeling her situation had become “untenable in her native Russia”, and decided to join the Dutch National Ballet in Amsterdam.
This decision follows a statement in which the 30-year-old dancer, whose grandfather is Ukrainian, made it clear that she is opposed to, and even ashamed of, the war being waged in Ukraine.
Interlochen and NY Philharmonic Work Side by Side

During the 2022-2023 season, the New York Philharmonic and the Interlochen Center for the Arts are planning to forge a collaboration that will represent, in the words of Interlochen President Trey Devey, “a formative experience that will inspire our young Interlochen artists for the rest of their lives.”
Key components of the venture include a weeklong residency in New York City: two concerts by the Philharmonic led by Leslie B. Dunner, conductor of the Interlochen students. The two institutions will also award 30 young artists from New York City representing multiple disciplines with full-tuition scholarships to attend Interlochen Arts Camp in the summer of 2023.
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