Royal Academy of Music Set to Decolonise Collection

The UK’s oldest conservatoire is considering moving on some of its collection of rare instruments as part of a decolonisation review of its 22,000-piece collection.
Officials at the Royal Academy of Music, which was founded in 1822 and received a royal charter from George IV, confirmed on Sunday that they were assessing the institution’s collection as a result of the pandemic.
Their collection contains artefacts such as pianos made with colonial ivory and may see parts of their collection returning to former colony countries, as other museums have done with similar objects.
Opéra de Lyon : Les occupants quittent les lieux
Les occupants de l’Opéra de Lyon ont annoncé samedi leur « déménagement » alors que leur mouvement entamé à la mi-mars fait l’objet d’au moins un référé devant le tribunal administratif de la part de la direction de l’établissement.
Vendredi soir, l’Opéra de Lyon avait annoncé dans un communiqué que l’occupation « notamment pour des raisons sanitaires et de sécurité », n’était pas compatible avec une réouverture au public. Il avait également expliqué avoir dû annuler des résidences d’artistes et étudiants et renoncer à des spectacles (notamment Le Coq d’Or, l’opéra de Nicolaï Rimski-Korsakov ce dimanche 23 et mercredi 26 mai), « malgré des tentatives de dialogue ». Face à cette impasse, un référé a été déposé par l’institution auprès du tribunal administratif en vue d’obtenir « une décision d’expulsion des occupants ».

Lyon Opera Occupants Move On
The occupants of the Lyon Opera on Saturday announced their move, while their movement, which began in mid-March, is the subject of at least one summary before the tribunal court by the establishment’s management
On Friday evening, the Opéra de Lyon had announced in a press release that the occupation “in particular for health and safety reasons” would not allow a reopening to the public. He also explained that he had had to cancel artist and student residencies and give up performances (notably Le Coq d’Or , the opera by Nicolai Rimsky-Korsakov this Sunday 23 and Wednesday 26 May), “despite attempts at dialogue”. Faced with this impasse, a summary was filed by the institution with the administrative court in order to obtain “a decision to expel the occupants”.