Woman Composer Sunday
An annual celebration of women composers has been launched by the Royal College of Organists and the Society of Women Organists.
Sunday 7 March 2021 – the nearest Sunday to International Women’s Day on 8 March – will be celebrated as Woman Composer Sunday.

Sommerliche Musiktage in Hitzacker widmen sich Schubert
Deutschlands ältestes Kammermusikfestival soll trotz der Corona-Pandemie vom 31. Juli bis 8. August stattfinden. Die Sommerlichen Musiktage in Hitzacker (Landkreis Lüchow-Dannenberg) stehen unter dem Motto «Schubert.JETZT!». Die Künstler widmen sich den Kammermusikwerken des Wiener Komponisten Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828).
«Nach menschlichem Ermessen kann ich davon ausgehen, dass sie stattfinden. Juli ist noch lang hin», sagte Kulturminister Björn Thümler bei einer Online-Pressekonferenz zur 76. Ausgabe der Musiktage am Dienstag.

Summer music days in Hitzacker dedicated to Schubert
Germany’s oldest chamber music festival is to take place from the 31st of July to the 8th of August despite the Corona pandemic. The Summer Music Days in Hitzacker (district of Lüchow-Dannenberg) will take place under the motto “Schubert.JETZT!”. The artists will devote themselves to the chamber music works of the Viennese composer Franz Schubert (1797 – 1828).
“By human standards, I can assume that they will take place. July is still far ahead,” said Minister of Culture Björn Thümler at an online press conference for the 76th edition of the Music Days on Tuesday.
Les concerts tests sauveront-ils les festivals d’été ?
Roselyne Bachelot a annoncé des « expérimentations » pour permettre la reprise hypothétique du spectacle vivant. Le métier croise les doigts.
Après l’Espagne, l’Allemagne et bientôt le Royaume-Uni et les Pays-Bas, la France devrait organiser prochainement les premiers concerts tests sous contrôle scientifique. Objectif : permettre de mesurer le taux de transmission du virus entre les spectateurs soumis à un protocole.

Will the test concerts save the summer festivals?
Roselyne Bachelot announced “experiments” to allow the hypothetical resumption of live performance. The profession is keeping its fingers crossed.
After Spain, Germany and soon the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, France should soon organise the first test concerts under scientific supervision. The aim is to measure the rate of transmission of the virus between spectators subject to a protocol.