Music Week announces Women in Music Roll of Honour 2020
Music Week has today announced the new names added to its Women in Music Roll of Honour. The Roll of Honour aims to highlight the breadth, depth and variety of individuals who are ‘game changers’ in the music industry, with one common theme; they are either female, or their activities consistently benefit women, or focus on female empowerment/gender disparity. PRS Council Members Michelle Escoffery and Jackie Alway OBE are among those newly enrolled.
With over three decades experience in the music industry, Michelle plays a vital role on the PRS Members’ Council, where she is the only female writer Director. In this role, she influences decisions on policy and governance, shaping the future of new and established songwriters, composers and music publishers. A staunch advocate for diversity and inclusion within the music industry, her commitment, impact and influence is steadfast and recognised by all who have the pleasure of working with her.

Francendanse, le ballet français à l’honneur au Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
C’est à une soirée exceptionnelle qu’ont eu la chance d’assister les spectateurs de Francendanse au Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, à l’initiative de Vony Sarfati. Pas moins de cinq grandes compagnies de ballet françaises se sont unies pour une soirée de pas de deux et solo, associant éclectisme dans le style et excellence dans l’interprétation, à l’image du ballet français.
Le Ballet de l’Opéra national de Paris a été la dernière compagnie à confirmer sa participation, mais a envoyé ses meilleurs ambassadeurs, les étoiles Ludmila Pagliero et Hugo Marchand, pour débuter cette soirée avec Trois Gnossiennes d’Hans van Manen. Cet étonnant duo joue du contraste entre la ductile Ludmila Pagliero, qui alterne entre fluidité et tension et le superbe Hugo Marchand, partenaire exceptionnel de la ballerine. Accompagnés au piano sur scène par Elena Bonnay, ils transmettent le meilleur d’eux-mêmes, donnant le « La » à une soirée qui s’annonce d’exception.

Francendanse, the French ballet in the spotlight at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées
It was an exceptional evening that Francendanse spectators had the chance to attend at the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées, at the initiative of Vony Sarfati. No less than five major French ballet companies joined together for an evening of pas de deux and solo, combining eclecticism in style and excellence in interpretation, in the image of French ballet.
The Ballet de l’Opéra national de Paris was the last company to confirm its participation, but sent its best ambassadors, the stars Ludmila Pagliero and Hugo Marchand, to kick off the evening with Hans van Manen’s Trois Gnossiennes. This astonishing duo plays on the contrast between the ductile Ludmila Pagliero, who alternates between fluidity and tension, and the superb Hugo Marchand, the ballerina’s exceptional partner. Accompanied on stage by Elena Bonnay at the piano, they transmit the best of themselves, giving the “A” to an evening that promises to be exceptional.
Pianistin Ragna Schirmer erhält Landesmusikpreis Sachsen-Anhalt
Der Landesmusikpreis Sachsen-Anhalt geht in diesem Jahr an die Pianistin Ragna Schirmer. Die Staatskanzlei des Landes bezeichnete sie in der Begründung als “erfolgreiche Konzertvirtuosin, Musikpädagogin und engagierte Kulturbotschafterin des Musiklandes Sachsen-Anhalt”. Der Preis wird im November von Kulturminister Rainer Robra (CDU) in Magdeburg übergeben.
Ragna Schirmer wurde 1972 in Hildesheim geboren. Sie studierte ab 1991 an der Hochschule für Musik und Theater in Hannover und setzte dieses Studium ab 1993 in Paris fort. 1995 schloss sie mit Diplom ab und beendete vier Jahre später die Solistenausbildung mit dem Konzertexamen. 2001 wurde sie als Professorin für Klavier an die Hochschule für Musik und Darstellende Kunst nach Mannheim berufen.

Pianist Ragna Schirmer receives Saxony-Anhalt State Music Prize
This year the Saxony-Anhalt State Music Prize goes to the pianist Ragna Schirmer. The state chancellery of the state described her in its statement as a “successful concert virtuoso, music educator and committed cultural ambassador of the musical state of Saxony-Anhalt”. The prize will be presented in Magdeburg in November by Rainer Robra (CDU), Minister of Culture.
Ragna Schirmer was born in Hildesheim in 1972. She studied at the University of Music and Drama in Hanover from 1991 and continued her studies in Paris from 1993. In 1995 she graduated with a diploma and four years later completed her soloist training with the concert exam. In 2001 she was appointed professor for piano at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Mannheim.