Yehudi Menuhin School alumni premiere ‘Corinne’s Song’ in memory of violinist Corinne Chapelle
A large group of Yehudi Menuhin School alumni have performed and recorded Corinne’s Song, an original piece of music for string orchestra, in memory of fellow alumna Corinne Chapelle. Composed by Cheryl Frances-Hoad, the project was part of a fundraising effort launched back in February to raise the £30,000 required to treat violinist Chapelle’s rare and aggressive form of cancer.
It was nearing completion, and crowdfunding donations were already flooding in, when the tragic news of Chappelle’s death in March, aged just 44, was announced. Nevertheless, more than 50 alumni – including Corina Belcea, Nicola Benedetti and Alina Ibragimova – decided to finish the song as a tribute to their friend.

International Opera Awards nach München und Berlin
Das Teatro Real Madrid hat bei den International Opera Awards den Preis als bestes Opernhaus gewonnen. Das Theater wurde für seine herausragende Saison 2019 und seine Leistungen während der Pandemie geehrt. Nachdem die Preisverleihung 2020 in London abgesagt werden musste, fand sie am Montagabend in einer Online-Zeremonie statt.
Als bestes Opernorchester wurde das Bayerische Staatsorchester München ausgezeichnet. Kirill Petrenko, der von 2013 bis 2020 Generalmusikdirektor der Bayerischen Staatsoper war, erhielt den Preis als bester Dirigent. Die Deutsche Oper Berlin wurde für Detlev Glanerts „Oceane“ als beste Weltpremiere prämiert.

International Opera Awards for Munich and Berlin
Teatro Real Madrid has won the award for Best Opera House at the International Opera Awards. The theatre was honoured for its outstanding 2019 season and its performance during the pandemic. After the 2020 awards ceremony in London had to be cancelled, it had to take place in an online ceremony on Monday evening.
The Bavarian State Orchestra Munich has been named best opera orchestra. Kirill Petrenko, who was general music director of the Bavarian State Opera from 2013 to 2020, received the award for best conductor. The Deutsche Oper Berlin was awarded Best World Premiere for Detlev Glanert’s “Oceane”.
Roselyne Bachelot et Elisabeth Borne annoncent de nouvelles mesures pour les intermittents du spectacle
À l’occasion du Conseil national des professions du spectacle, les deux ministres ont présenté les mesures prévues en faveur des intermittents à compter du 1er septembre 2021. On se souvient qu’un rapport avait été rendu par André Gauron sur la situation des intermittents pendant la crise sanitaire et surtout sur les suites à donner à l’« année blanche ».
Ce rapport envisageait plusieurs solutions, dont la prolongation de ce dispositif soit pour une nouvelle année pleine, soit jusqu’à la fin de l’année civile seulement, « parce qu’on peut estimer, qu’en janvier 2022, l’activité culturelle, et donc les salaires, auront repris leur rôle premier dans l’évolution des revenus ».

Ministers announce new measures for workers in the entertainment industry
At the occasion of the National Council for the Entertainment Industry, two ministers presented the measures planned for part-time workers from 1 September 2021. It will be remembered that a report was submitted by André Gauron regarding the issue of part-time workers during the health crisis and especially on the follow-up to the “blank year”.
This report envisaged several solutions, including the extension of this measure either for a new full year or until the end of the calendar year only, “because it can be estimated that in January 2022, cultural activity, and therefore salaries, will have resumed their primary role in the evolution of income”.