Yoko Ono is campaigning for peace with a mass bell-ringing ceremony in Manchester
The artwork will see thousands of people ring 4,000 bells loud and clear across the city to promote harmony as part of Manchester International Festival.The Japanese artist, singer and peace activist will be teaming up with locals for the mass bell-ringing ceremony as part of the Manchester International Festival (MIF) 2019, a celebration of artists from diverse art forms and backgrounds.
National Album Day 2019 announced as October 12
The second edition of National Album Day has been announced, with the aim of once again drawing attention to the format’s relevance and legacy across musical genres.It’s this that National Album Day aims to address. It will be held on October 12, and the main theme this year will be ‘Don’t Skip’. The initiative will also promote the idea that listening to an album in its entirety can have positive wellbeing and mental health benefits. From classical music, pianist Gabriela Montero is already expected to be involved, with more artists and classical-related events expected to be announced in due course.
Nike Wagner gibt Intendanz des Beethovenfests auf
Die Intendantin des Bonner Beethovenfests, Nike Wagner, wird ihren Vertrag nach 2020 nicht verlängern. Das teilte sie dem WDR am 3. Juli 2019 während eines Interviews überraschend mit.
Die Feier zum 250. Geburtstag Ludwig van Beethovens wolle die Urenkelin von Richard Wagner noch als Intendantin begleiten, anschließend aber nur noch solange im Amt bleiben, bis ein Nachfolger gefunden sei. Am Programm für das folgende Jahr werde sie ebenfalls noch arbeiten.

Nike Wagner resigns as artistic director of the Beethovenfest
The artistic director of the Bonn Beethoven Festival, Nike Wagner, will not renew her contract after 2020. She informed WDR of this surprisingly during an interview on 3 July 2019. The celebration of Ludwig van Beethoven’s 250th birthday would still accompany the great-granddaughter of Richard Wagner as artistic director, but would then only remain in office until a successor had been found. She will also be working on the program for the following year.