
14th January: YolanDa Brown offers music resources for free, Jewish Local History Award for Stralsund Cellist Fechner, New faces at the Victoires de la musique

Thursday 14th January 2021

YolanDa Brown offers music resources for free in response to lockdown

YolanDa Brown has announced that her bespoke online learning materials will be made available to all children for free this week and her album will be released on 13 January, earlier than planned. 

At the end of last year, Brown launched her campaign to promote music education in primary schools, initially offering the resources to 500, then 1,000 primary schools that signed up. Following the start of another national lockdown, the online music lesson plans, learning materials and videos for teachers, parents and pupils are being made freely available to all. 

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Jüdische Lokalgeschichte: Preis für Stralsunder Cellisten Fechner

Seit 21 Jahren werden die US-amerikanischen Obermayer Awards an Einzelpersonen oder Gruppen verliehen, die sich in der Erinnerungsarbeit für einst lebendige jüdische Gemeinden engagieren. In diesem Jahr ist eine Stralsunder Cellistin dabei.

Die Stralsunder Cellistin Friederike Fechner wird zusammen mit drei weiteren Bürgern und zwei Vereinen mit den Obermayer Awards für die Erforschung jüdischer Lokalgeschichte ausgezeichnet. Sie sei die treibende Kraft in Stralsund, wenn es um die Dokumentation der Geschichte der ehemaligen jüdischen Gemeinde und die lokale Gedenkarbeit geht, teilte die US-amerikanische Obermayer Stiftung am Mittwoch mit.

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Jewish Local History: Award for Stralsund Cellist Fechner

For the past 21 years, the US Obermayer Awards have been presented to individuals or groups engaged in commemorative work for once-living Jewish communities. This year, a Stralsund cellist is among them.

The Stralsund cellist Friederike Fechner, together with three other citizens and two associations, will be honoured with the Obermayer Awards for research into local Jewish history. She is the driving force in Stralsund when it comes to documenting the history of the former Jewish community and local commemorative work, the US-based Obermayer Foundation announced on Wednesday.

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Nouveaux visages aux Victoires de la musique

On sait qui seront les présentateurs des vingt-huitièmes Victoires de la musique classique, en février prochain.

Présenter les Victoires de la musique classique, ce grand spectacle cathodique en direct, est un exercice périlleux. Pendant longtemps, Frédéric Lodéon a tenu la barre, avec divers partenaires, avant de passer la main en 2018. Au duo de dames qui officiait l’an dernier (Judith Chaine et Leila Kaddour), succèdera en 2021 un nouvel attelage, constitué par Stephane Bern et Marina Chiche.

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New faces at the Victoires de la musique

We know who the presenters of the 28th Victoires de la musique classique will be next February.

Presenting the Victoires de la musique classique, this great live cathode-ray show, is a perilous exercise. For a long time, Frédéric Lodéon held the helm, with various partners, before handing over the reins in 2018. In 2021, a new team of Stephane Bern and Marina Chiche will succeed the duo of ladies who officiated last year (Judith Chaine and Leila Kaddour).

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