Youth Music launches £2m Incubator Fund with support from People’s Postcode Lottery
Youth Music has launched a £2 million Incubator Fund and a campaign to fix the music industry’s “diversity deficit”.
In its new report, A Blueprint for the Future, the national charity sets out a plan to support young people. Youth Music has called on the industry to tackle longstanding inequalities, which it says have been further amplified by the Black Lives Matter movement and coronavirus pandemic.
Over two years, the Incubator Fund, made possible by players of People’s Postcode Lottery, will offer grants of up to £30,000 to music industry employers to support the careers of people aged 18-25.
The funding, which can be spent on wages and support, enables independent organisations in the music industry to support the next generation. The Incubator Fund is also intended as a lifeline to young creatives who have been significantly hit by the pandemic.
Eisenacher Bach-Kompositionspreis für Helder Alves de Oliveira
Die Veranstalter des Eisenacher Bach-Kompositionspreis haben die diesjährigen Preisträger bekannt gegeben. Bei der zweiten Verleihung der Auszeichnung geht diese an den Brasilianer Helder Alves de Oliveira. Sein Werk “Asensão” setzte sich gegen 45 weitere Einsendungen durch. “Das siebenminütige Stück für Orchester mit seinem reichen und farbigen Percussion-Part, seinen rhythmischen und klanglichen Beziehungen zur südamerikanischen Musik überzeugte uns in seiner Auseinandersetzung mit südländischer Tradition und Moderne”, so die Jury zu ihrer Entscheidung. In der kommenden Spielzeit 2020/21 soll die Komposition von der Thüringer Philharmonie uraufgeführt werden, außerdem gibt es ein Preisgeld von 4.000 Euro. Neben Helder Alves de Oliveira vergab die Jury außerdem undotierte Förderpreise, die eingereichten Werke von Patricia Martinez, Peter Tilling und Daniel Hensel sollen ebenfalls zur Aufführung kommen.

Eisenach Bach Composition Prize for Helder Alves de Oliveira
The organisers of the Eisenach Bach Composition Prize have announced this year’s prize winners. At the second presentation of the award, it will go to the Brazilian hero Alves de Oliveira. His work “Asensão” prevailed over 45 other entries. “The seven-minute piece for orchestra, with its rich and colourful percussion part, its rhythmic and tonal relationships to South American music, convinced us in its exploration of southern tradition and modernity,” the jury commented on its decision. The composition is to be premiered by the Thüringer Philharmonie in the coming 2020/21 season, and there is also prize money of 4,000 euros. In addition to Helder Alves de Oliveira, the jury also awarded unendowed promotional prizes, and the works submitted by Patricia Martinez, Peter Tilling and Daniel Hensel will also be performed.
Roselyne Bachelot, une revenante à la Culture
La nomination de Roselyne Bachelot comme ministre de la Culture a constitué l’une des surprises du nouveau gouvernement annoncé lundi. Cela faisait huit ans que l’ancienne ministre de la Santé avait quitté la politique pour devenir chroniqueuse télé. Voilà désormais cette passionnée d’opéra installée rue de Valois. C’est une parenthèse longue de huit ans que Roselyne Bachelot a refermé lundi, en étant nommée ministre de la Culture dans le nouveau gouvernement de Jean Castex. Depuis 2012 et la défaite de Nicolas Sarkozy à la présidentielle, elle avait en effet quitté la vie politique. Celle qui fut tour à tour chargée de l’Ecologie, de la Santé et du Sport dans différents gouvernement s’installe donc rue de Valois, ce qui n’est pas forcément une surprise pour cette grande passionnée d’opéra et de musique classique.
Roselyne Bachelot, a cultural comeback
The appointment of Roselyne Bachelot as Minister of Culture was one of the surprises of the new government announced on Monday. It had been eight years since the former health minister left politics to become a TV columnist. This opera enthusiast is now based on rue de Valois. It was an eight-year hiatus that Roselyne Bachelot closed on Monday when she was appointed Minister of Culture in the new government of Jean Castex. Since 2012 and the defeat of Nicolas Sarkozy in the presidential election, she had indeed left political life. The woman who was in turn in charge of Ecology, Health and Sport in different governments is therefore moving to rue de Valois, which is not necessarily a surprise for this great opera and classical music enthusiast.
Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra to air free performance on July 12
Like most arts organizations in the city, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra (PSO) started cancelling their events in March. They haven’t performed for the public since then, but that will change with a concert on July 12 as part of the Allegheny County Parks Summer Concert Series. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the concert can be viewed online and on local TV, but there won’t be a live audience.
In fact, PSO already recorded the concert in June at Hartwood Acres Park in Hampton Township. The concert, featuring 24 musicians playing works of nine different composers, will air on local CW stations on Sun., July 12 at 7 p.m., and will be available afterwards on the YouTube and Facebook pages of PSO and Allegheny County.
Each Sunday, the Summer Concert Series will feature a different musical act and will air on CW and stream online. The lineup kicks off on Sun., July 5 with The Clarks, and will also feature Brooke Annibale, Funky Fly Project, Sierra Sellers, and more, through Sept. 6.