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Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin in Solidarity With Ukraine

February 19th – February 25th: Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin in Solidarity With Ukraine, ETO Launch Spring Tour, The EU and Philharmonie de Paris Join Together, Barbara Hannigan Joins the LSO

Friday 25th February 2022

Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin solidarisch mit Ukraine

Das Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin und sein Chefdirigent Vladimir Jurowski ändern wegen des Angriffs Russlands auf die Ukraine das Programm ihrer Konzerte am kommenden Wochenende. Anstelle des Slawischen Marsches von Pjotr Tschaikowsky erklinge die Ukrainische Nationalhymne auf eine Melodie von Mychajlo Werbyzkyj (1815-1870) und dessen Sinfonische Ouvertüre Nr. 1, teilte das Orchester am Donnerstag mit.

Der gebürtige Moskauer Jurowski erklärte, er habe den Beginn der militärischen Aggression der Russischen Föderation gegen die Ukraine bis zuletzt nicht für möglich gehalten. “Ich bin zutiefst entrüstet über diese Aktion, aber auch extrem traurig, weil ich durch meine Familiengeschichte mit beiden Ländern verbunden bin”, sagte er. Jurowskis Großvater war der ukrainische Komponist Wladimir Michailowitsch Jurowski (1915-1972).

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Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin in Solidarity With Ukraine

The Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin (Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin) and its chief conductor Vladimir Jurowski are changing the program of their concerts next weekend because of Russia’s attack on Ukraine. Instead of the Slavonic March by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, the Ukrainian National Anthem will be played to a melody by Mychajlo Werbyzkyj (1815-1870) and his Symphonic Overture No. 1, the orchestra announced on Thursday.

Moscow-born Jurowski said he did not think the Russian Federation’s military aggression against Ukraine had begun until the very end. “I am deeply indignant about this action, but also extremely sad because I am connected to both countries through my family history,” he said. Jurowski’s grandfather was Ukrainian composer Vladimir Mikhailovich Jurowski (1915-1972).

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More Actions Around the Classical Music World

English Touring Opera Launches Spring Tour

English Touring Opera’s Spring Tour, running from 26 February to 3 June 2022,  launches this week with performances of Puccini’s La Bohème at Hackney Empire in London on 26 February. The production is revival of James Conway’s 2015 production, this time starring Nigerian American soprano Francesca Chiegina as Mimì and British tenor Thomas Elwin as Rodolfo.

La Bohème will run alongside a new production of  The Golden Cockerel the first opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov to be produced and toured by ETO. The opera opens at Hackney Empire on 5 March, 2022 and tours to 12 other venues throughout the country.

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Orchestre Démos Europe : Les 27 nationalités de l’UE réunies pour un grand concert !

À l’occasion de la présidence française du Conseil de l’Union Européenne, la Philharmonie de Paris a réuni un orchestre de 120 jeunes musiciens issus des 27 pays de l’Union qui se produiront dans la Grande salle Pierre Boulez le samedi 26 février. Un concert inédit auquel assisteront des représentants des États membres de l’Union européenne, de la Commission européenne et du Parlement européen mais aussi d’autres jeunes musiciens franciliens. Corinna Niemeyer et Rebecca Tong encadrent et dirigeront cet orchestre européen.

Depuis le 19 février, 120 jeunes musiciens (12 à 17 ans), issus des 27 pays de l’Union Européenne, recrutés par la biais d’un réseau de partenaires sur la base de critères musicaux et sociaux qui se rapprochent de ceux du dispositif Démos, que la Philharmonie porte depuis 11 ans, sont réunis à Paris afin de préparer le grand concert qui sera donné samedi 26 février dans la Grande salle Pierre Boulez de la Philharmonie. Contrairement aux orchestres Démos classiques, les jeunes musiciens se produiront seuls sur scène, sans le soutien de musiciens professionnels.

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The 27 Nationalities of the EU Come Together With Philharmonie de Paris To Form European Orchestra

On the occasion of the French presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Philharmonie de Paris has assembled an orchestra of 120 young musicians from the 27 countries of the Union who will perform in the Grande salle Pierre Boulez on Saturday, February 26. This unique concert will be attended by representatives of the Member States of the European Union, the European Commission and the European Parliament, as well as other young musicians from the Paris region. Corinna Niemeyer and Rebecca Tong will supervise and conduct this European orchestra

Since February 19, 120 young musicians (aged 12 to 17 years old) from the 27 countries of the European Union, recruited through a network of partners on the basis of musical and social criteria similar to those of the Demos program, which the Philharmonie has been running for 11 years, have been meeting in Paris to prepare for the major concert to be given on Saturday, February 26 in the Philharmonie’s Grande Salle Pierre Boulez. Unlike the classical Demos orchestras, the young musicians will perform alone on stage, without the support of professional musicians.

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Barbara Hannigan Joins the London Symphony Orchestra

Barbara Hannigan, in London for three concerts with the London Symphony Orchestra, has been named an Associate Artist, the first time the LSO has bestowed such a title on anyone. According to the LSO, ‘Associate Artists are musicians with distinct influences, quality and style that add diversity and richness to the LSO, creating their own programmes in collaboration with the Orchestra and contributing to the repertoire choices for other programmes throughout the season’.

Hannigan will be resident for a number of LSO concerts in the Barbican during each year and undertake some international work including a European tour in March 2023.

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