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Classical & Cultural News - WildKat
February 19th – February 25th: Radio Symphony Orchestra Berlin in Solidarity With Ukraine, ETO Launch Spring Tour, The EU and Philharmonie de Paris Join Together, Barbara Hannigan Joins the LSO

Friday 25th February '22

Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin solidarisch mit UkraineDas Rundfunk-Sinfonieorchester Berlin und sein Chefdirigent Vladimir Jurowski ändern wegen des Angriffs Russlands auf die Ukraine das Programm ihrer Konzerte am kommenden Wochenende. Anstelle des Slawischen Marsches von Pjotr Tschaikowsky erklinge …

7th February: Les Mis returns to the West End in concert, Barbara Hannigan wins Leónie Sonning prize, seven Berlin orchestras unite to celebrate diversity and tolerance

Thursday 7th February '19

Alfie Boe and Michael Ball to return to the West End in concert version of Les Misérables This summer, the West End stage will welcome a concert production of musical Les Misérables with a cast of musical theatre stars.Les Misérables is …

29th January: Marin Alsop is the first female artistic director of Vienna orchestra, complete list of winners from the Grammy Awards is released and Piotr Beczala signs with Pentatone

Monday 29th January '18

In today's news: Marin Alsop is the fist woman to become artistic director of top Vienna orchestra, Brexit as an opportunity for British orchestras to escape red tape and tax of Europe, Barbara Hannigan wins the Grammy for …

5th December: Holden Madagame changes his vocal technique, vinyl sales on the rise and Peter Martins accused of sexual harassment.

Tuesday 5th December '17

In today's news: Holden Madagame goes from mezzo soprano to tenor, vinyl industry continues to rise, INES announces first acts to be part of the talent exchange programme. Also, RAM appoints Nikolaj Znaider as visiting professor …

2nd October: Berlin State Opera to re-open, applications open for Noted Fellowship

Monday 2nd October '17

In today's news: Applications open for Noted Fellowship, and Virtuoso sisters claim to have solved Proust’s musical puzzle. Hossein Pishkar wins German conductor's prize, Berlin State Operato re-open, and France Musique dedicates this week to Barbara …

18th September: Bamberg Symphony to open its new season, Barbara Hannigan on music

Monday 18th September '17

In today's news: Barbara Hannigan speaks to Ben Lawrence, Nick Hornby's "Fever Pitch" has become an opera, and Brexit might threaten UK's music industry. 2.200 visitors at choir conference "", Johannes Krahl wins organ competition …

29th August: Classical:NEXT accepts proposals, 300-year-old violin recovered safely & Gramophone becomes Apple Music curator

Monday 29th August '16

Classical News In today's classical news, Classical:NEXT accepts proposals for its next global gathering, Sally Beamish speaks about how the theft of her viola turned her into a composer, and 300-year-old violin taken from London train …

12th March: Barbara Hannigan’s conducting lessons, The Strad goes to the Barbican, Deutsche Grammophon president leaving for Universal in London

Thursday 12th March '15

Classical News The GuardianBarbara Hannigan: no jacket required…Who says women can’t be conductors? Well, quite a lot of men. So what has the famous soprano Barbara Hannigan learned since she picked up the baton – and …

25th June: Accidental Opera Star, Baroque Graffiti and a Call for Critics

Tuesday 25th June '13

The TelegraphSouth African opera star returns to township after signing record dealA singer from the South African townships, who discovered opera music by accident, has signed a deal for a debut album with a major …

17th January: Carmen Goes Bollywood, Coding Classical Music and British Music Tastes Revealed

Thursday 17th January '13

The TimesSoprano Barbara Hannigan: pitch perfect Why this Canadian soprano is setting the opera world on fire with her extraordinary vocal range and joyous precisionClassical Music MagazineWelsh rights dispute: BBC and PRS accused of price fixingDafydd …

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