Classical News
In today’s news, Turkish-Austrian tenor Ilker Arcayürek wins Wolf Lieder Prize, Grand Rapids Symphony brings classical music with modern twist to ArtPrize, and techno takes over as the Hamburg Baroque Orchestra, Elbipolis, teams up with DJ Brezel Göring. Also, ISPA has announced the theme of its New York 2017 ISPA Congress as Currents of Change, and schools’ launch classical music awards.
Classical Music Magazine
BBC New Generation Artist wins Wolf Lieder Prize
Turkish-Austrian tenor Ilker Arcayürek took first prize in the tenth International Art Song Competition of the Hugo Wolf Akademie. He wins €15,000 (£13,000) to be shared with his pianist, Fiona Pollak.
Grand Rapids Symphony brings classical music with modern twist to ArtPrize
For ArtPrize Eight, the Grand Rapids Symphony is getting involved. “We’re offering a series of free concerts, as a free opportunity for ArtPrize goers to see and hear what the Grand Rapids Symphony does year-round,” said Jeff Kaczmarczyk, senior manager for communications for the Grand Rapids Symphony.
Techno takes over as the Hamburg Baroque Orchestra, Elbipolis, teams up with DJ Brezel Göring
Techno takes over as the Hamburg Baroque Orchestra, Elbipolis, teams up with experimental musician/DJ Brezel Göring, to present an unexpected musical performance that can be dubbed as both classical and inventive.
International Arts Manager
Currents of Change: Arts, Power and Politics
Delegates from all over the world will come together at the start of 2017 to discuss whether cultural institutions should simply reflect society, or rather use their power as a force for positive transformation in the world.
Meath Chronicle
Schools’ classical music awards launched
Meath’s musical teens are tuning up for a potential €5,000 boost to their career as the Fr Frank Maher Classical Music Awards, sponsored by Top Security is seeking entries for 2016. It is Ireland’s largest classical music competition for secondary schools.
The Irish Times
Julius Eastman: Radical composer who ended up sleeping rough
Black, gay and working-class, he was forgotten after his death, but his music is being revived
Nationaltheateret ønsker 1,9 milliarder på nytt statsbudsjett
Flere kulturinstitusjoner har søkt om milliardbeløp til ulike oppgraderinger for kommende statsbudsjett. For Nationaltheateret haster det med oppussingspenger. – Situasjonen er veldig alvorlig, sier prosjektansvarlig.
Klassik heute
Saison-Eröffnungskonzert der “musica viva” als Hommage an Hans Zender
Das Eröffnungskonzert der neuen „musica viva“-Saison widmet sich dem Œuvre des Komponisten Hans Zender, der in diesem Jahr seinen 80. Geburtstag feiert.
Deutschlandradio Kultur
Deutsch-französisches Improvationswunder
Der deutsche Jazzpianist Michael Wollny, 7-facher ECHO Jazz-Preisträger, hat mit dem Akkordeonisten Vincent Peirani – “Frankreichs Jazzkünstler des Jahres” – ein Album aufgenommen: Auf “Tandem” verbinden die beiden ihre musikalische Verschiedenheit zu einem wundervollen großen Ganzen.
Berliner Zeitung
Haben Künstler mehr Freiheiten als der Normalbürger?
Das Grundgesetz garantiert jedem Bürger die Meinungsfreiheit. Warum erklärt es dann noch einmal ausdrücklich „Kunst und Wissenschaft, Forschung und Lehre sind frei“?
BBC Music Magazine @MusicMagazine Morning all. As a special Wednesday treat, why not download our current free track – Liszt’s ‘Feux folllets’? @klassikcom Regisseur Frank #Castorf erhält Nestroy-Preis #Musikpreis #Regie #Oper
neue musikzeitung @musikzeitung nmz-news: Ist Kunst, kann trotzdem weg #glossenkommentare #kommentarglosse #nachschlag

Elbipolis. Photo: Friedrun Reinhold