The Stauffer Center for Strings opens in Cremona
The Stauffer Center for Strings has been established in Cremona, the world’s capital for violin making, to provide training and support to exceptionally talented young string musicians from around the world. The Center is the world’s first international music centre entirely dedicated to the higher education of strings, encompassing research, composition, production, management and innovation.
Its headquarters will be in the heart of Cremona, at Palazzo Stauffer (previously Palazzo Stradiotti), an iconic, seventeenth-century building that has undergone major restoration to become a high-tech, sustainable and entirely plastic-free multifunctional campus – enriched by an exclusive interior design project by the iconic Italian company Pininfarina.

Juan Pérez Floristán gewinnt Rubinstein-Wettbewerb
Die Veranstalter des Rubinstein-Wettbewerbs haben die diesjährigen Gewinner bekannt gegeben. Der mit 40.000 US-Dollar (rund 33.300 Euro) dotierte erste Preis ging an den spanischen Pianisten Juan Pérez Floristán. Außerdem konnte er vier Sonderpreise für die beste Umsetzung eines israelischen Stücks, eines Beethoven-Konzertes, eines Kammermusikstücks und als Publikumsfavorit gewinnen.
Der mit 20.000 US-Dollar (rund 16.600 Euro) dotierte zweite Preis sowie der Junior Jury Sonderpreis gingen an Shiori Kuwahara aus Japan. Den dritten Preis und die damit verbundenen 10.000 US-Dollar (rund 8.300 Euro) gewann Cunmo Yin aus China. Insgesamt hatten 32 junge Musiker am diesjährigen Wettbewerb teilgenommen.

Juan Pérez Floristán wins Rubinstein Piano Competition
The organisers of the Rubinstein Competition have announced this year’s winners. The first prize of 40,000 US dollars (about 33,300 euros) went to Spanish pianist Juan Pérez Floristán. In addition, he won four special prizes for the best realisation of an Israeli piece, a Beethoven concerto, a chamber music piece and as audience favourite.
The second prize of 20,000 US dollars (about 16,600 euros) as well as the Junior Jury Special Prize went to Shiori Kuwahara from Japan. The third prize and the associated 10,000 US dollars (about 8,300 euros) went to Cunmo Yin from China. A total of 32 young musicians participated in this year’s competition.
Mort de Laurent Verney, alto solo de l’Opéra de Paris
Le musicien s’est éteint à l’âge de 61 ans, des suites d’un accident de vélo. « C’est avec une très grande tristesse qu’Alexander Neef, l’Orchestre de l’Opéra de Paris et l’ensemble du personnel ont appris la disparition brutale de Laurent Verney, alto solo de l’orchestre depuis presque 40 ans », a écrit sur sa page Facebook ce matin notre première scène lyrique.
Le musicien n’avait que 25 ans lorsqu’il fut nommé à ce poste, après ses études au Conservatoire de Paris, dans les classes de Serge Collot et Bruno Pasquier. Durant toutes les années passées dans la fosse du palais Garnier ou de Bastille, Laurent Verney mènera parallèlement une carrière de concertiste avec les plus grands orchestres.

Principal viola of Paris Opera Laurent Verney is dead
The musician passed away at the age of 61, following a bicycle accident.
“It is with great sadness that Alexander Neef, the Paris Opera Orchestra and the entire staff have learned about the sudden death of Laurent Verney, principal viola of the orchestra for almost 40 years,” wrote the Paris Opera on its Facebook page this morning.
After studying at the Paris Conservatory with Serge Collot and Bruno Pasquier, Verney was only 25 years old when he was appointed to the position. During all the years he spent in the pit of the Palais Garnier or the Bastille, Laurent Verney led a parallel career as a concert performer with the greatest orchestras.