Isabel Leonard, Angel Blue & the Metropolitan Opera Win Grammy Awards
The Metropolitan Opera won the 2021 Grammy Award for Best Opera Recording.
The company won for its recording of “Porgy and Bess” which was conducted by David Robertson and starred Angel Blue and Eric Owens. The cast also included Latonia Moore, Ryan Speedo Green, Alfred Walker, Golda Schultz, Denyce Graves, and the Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus.
Sarah Brailey and Dashon Burton won the Best Classical Solo Vocal Album for “Smyth: The Prison” while Isabel Leonard and Michael Tilson Thomas won the Best Classical Compendium category for Thomas’s “From the Diary Anne Frank and Meditations on Rilke.”

Afghanistan: Regierung hebt Singverbot für Mädchen auf
Die afghanische Regierung hat ihr vor wenigen Tagen ausgesprochenes Singverbot für Schulmädchen zurückgenommen. In der vergangenen Woche hatte das Erziehungsministerium eine Verordnung bekannt gegeben, nach der Mädchen ab zwölf Jahren das Singen in der Öffentlichkeit untersagt werden sollte.
Das Gesangsverbot hätte auch in den nicht von den Taliban kontrollierten Gebieten sowohl staatliche als auch private Schulen betroffen und führte zu internationaler Kritik und Protesten. Nun rudert die Regierung zurück.

Afghanistan: Government lifts ban on girls singing
The Afghan government has rescinded its ban on school girls singing, which it had imposed a few days ago. Last week, the Ministry of Education had announced a decree banning girls over the age of twelve from singing in public.
The singing ban would have affected both government and public schools in non-Taliban-controlled areas and led to international criticism and protests. Now the government is backpedalling.
Démission de Joëlle Kerivin, directrice de La Folle Journée suite à des mouvements irréguliers sur les comptes
La ville de Nantes porte plainte contre la directrice de La Folle Journée, Joëlle Kerivin, après un audit réclamé par la mairie montrant certaines “irrégularités comptables”. Antoine Pecqueur revient sur cette affaire.
Antoine Pecqueur a pu s’entretenir hier au téléphone avec Aymeric Seassau, l’adjoint à la culture de la ville de Nantes et qui est aussi à ce titre président du conseil d’administration de La Folle journée. Il a pu nous apporter certains éclairages.

Resignation of Joëlle Kerivin, director of La Folle Journée following irregular movements in accounts
The city of Nantes has filed a complaint against the director of La Folle Journée, Joëlle Kerivin, after an inspection requested by the city council showed certain “accounting irregularities”. Antoine Pecqueur looks back on this affair.
Antoine Pecqueur was able to speak by phone yesterday with Aymeric Seassau, the deputy for culture of the city of Nantes, who is also president of the board of directors of La Folle Journée. He was able to give us some insight.