Music education in schools is suffering, Ofsted report confirms
An Ofsted report published today on education in schools has further confirmed the damaging impacts of COVID-19 on music learning.
Based on 297 one-day visits carried out by Ofsted in November 2020, the qualitative results of the report found that:
Not all primary schools were teaching the full range of subjects, restructuring the timetable to ‘prioritise English and mathematics’ and leaving subjects such as music until later in the year.
Music was cited by many primary schools as one of the most challenging subjects to offer remotely, and in some cases it wasn’t being offered at all.
Some secondary school leaders said that the lack of equipment in the first national lockdown affected pupils’ learning in music.

Experten: Übergangene Kunst- und Kulturszene braucht schnelle Hilfe
Die Oppositionsfraktionen von Grünen, SPD und FDP im bayerischen Landtag und Branchenexperten haben die schwierige Situation der Kunst- und Kulturszene in der Corona-Krise angemahnt und schnelle Hilfe gefordert. «Die Kultur ist mit Sicherheit hinten angestellt und vernachlässigt worden», sagte Volkmar Halbleib, kulturpolitischer Sprecher der Landtags-SPD, am Dienstag bei einer virtuellen Anhörung von Experten aus der Branche.
«Da erkennt man schnell, dass große Ankündigungen da sind im bayerischen Freistaat, aber eine sehr schlechte Umsetzung.» Die Staatsregierung müsse unverzüglich konkrete Hilfen realisieren und insbesondere die Lage der Soloselbstständigen mehr in den Blick nehmen. Öffnungsperspektiven für die Zeit nach dem harten Lockdown müssten jetzt schon vorbereitet werden, betonte Halbleib.

Experts: Overlooked arts and culture scene needs quick help
The opposition parliamentary groups of the Greens, SPD and FDP in the Bavarian state parliament and industry experts have admonished the difficult situation of the arts and culture scene in the Corona crisis and demanded quick help. “Culture has certainly been put on the back burner and neglected,” said Volkmar Halbleib, cultural policy spokesman for the state parliamentary SPD, at a virtual hearing of industry experts on Tuesday.
“You quickly realise that there are great announcements in the Bavarian Free State, but very poor implementation.” He said that the state government must immediately implement concrete assistance and in particular pay more attention to the situation of the solo self-employed. Opening perspectives for the time after the hard lockdown must be prepared now, Halbleib emphasised.
Le monde de la culture mobilisé à Bastille
Mardi 15 décembre, le monde de la culture manifestait partout en France contre la prolongation de la fermeture des lieux culturels. A Paris, place de la Bastille, plusieurs milliers de professionnels du monde du spectacle se sont réunis à midi, pour exprimer leur colère et leur incompréhension.
« Libérez la culture », « Ouvrez les théâtres », « Le Mépris doit rester un film », ce sont les slogans que l’on pouvait entendre ou lire hier sur les pancartes à la manifestation. Angèle Legasa, violoncelliste du Trio Sora est venue exprimer sa colère contre les mesures gouvernementales : « Ça fait cinq mois sans concert, en 2020 j’ai perdu près de 50 concerts. Cette année on avait un album avec mon trio qui sortait le 6 novembre, on n’a pas pu faire de concert de sortie. Mais en plus, ce qui m’énerve profondément, ce sont les incohérences de ce gouvernement, autoriser la messe de minuit, autoriser que l’on soit serrés dans les transports et ne pas autoriser qu’on soit espacés dans des salles de spectacle, c’est incompréhensible ».

The world of culture mobilised in Bastille
On Tuesday 15 December, the world of culture demonstrated throughout France against the extension of the closure of cultural venues. In Paris, on Place de la Bastille, several thousand professionals from the world of entertainment gathered at noon to express their anger and incomprehension.
“Liberate culture”, “Open the theatres”, “Contempt must remain a film”, these are the slogans that could be heard or read yesterday on the signs at the demonstration. Angèle Legasa, cellist of the Trio Sora came to express her anger against the government measures: “It’s been five months without a concert, in 2020 I’ve lost nearly 50 concerts. This year we had an album with my trio that was coming out on November 6th, we couldn’t do a release concert. But in addition, what irritates me deeply are the inconsistencies of this government, authorising midnight mass, authorising us to be tied up in transport and not authorising us to be spaced out in concert halls, it’s incomprehensible”.