Deprecated: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; WPVCARDMain has a deprecated constructor in /home/ on line 33
Classical & Cultural News - WildKat
Overcoming Boundaries With The Arts

Monday 4th February '19

Overcoming Boundaries With The ArtsSouth Korea and Iran create cultural exchange between East and West Asia by exploring each countries’ traditions and history of calligraphy."When the Korean alphabet Hangeul meets the Persian scriptures Alef-ba, …

12th May: Rowling warns for buying a stolen prequel & classical music performance in a living room

Friday 12th May '17

In today's news: list to a music performances in a living room and new film clip of the Beatles during their filming in the Austrian Alps. JK Rowling warns not to buy a stolen Harry …
