PRS For Music Suspends Relationship With Russian Right Representation Organisation

PRS for Music has suspended its rights representation relationship with the Russian Author’s Society (RAO) as a result of UK sanctions stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine which is now reaching the end of its second week of conflict.
The royalties, copyright and licensing company issued a statement on Tuesday (08/03/2022) announcing the formal suspension of its relationship with the society, and detailing plans to support Ukrainian members.
In Tuesday’s statement, PRS states it has implemented the suspension ‘pending confirmation of [ROA’s] separation from the Russian Government and those individuals and companies on the sanctions lists.’ PRS also plan to contact their members in Ukraine to ‘offer our support in their time of need’ and are working to make financial support available to these members.
Musikpreis der Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung für das Leonkoro Quartett – Auszeichnung ist mit 60.000 Euro dotiert
Der Musikpreis der Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung geht in diesem Jahr an das Leonkoro Quartett. Das Ensemble aus Berlin beeindrucke “durch eine starke Bühnenpräsenz, die gepaart ist mit technischer Brillanz und einer leidenschaftlichen Hingabe an das Werk”, so die Jury. Obwohl die Musiker erst seit 2019 zusammen spielen, können sie bereits eine eigene musikalische Handschrift aufweisen: “[Ihre] Vitalität, [ihre] Risikobereitschaft wie auch ein besonderer Farbenreichtum lösen beim Hörer einen unwiderstehlichen Sog aus”, hieß es weiter.
Die Auszeichnung ist mit 60.000 Euro dotiert. Außerdem gehen damit Auftritte beim Beethovenfest Bonn, beim Heidelberger Frühling und beim Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival einher. Der Preis soll dem Leonkoro Quartett im Sommer 2023 überreicht werden, die Preisverleihung findest voraussichtlich in Reinbek statt.

Leonkoro Quartet Announced as Jürgen Ponto Foundation Prize Winners
The music prize of the Jürgen Ponto Foundation (Jürgen Ponto-Stiftung) goes this year to the Leonkoro Quartet. The ensemble from Berlin impresses “with a strong stage presence paired with technical brilliance and a passionate devotion to the work”, according to the jury. Although the musicians have only been playing together since 2019, they are already showing their own musical signature.
The award consists of 60,000 Euros, and it also includes performances at the Beethovenfest Bonn, the Heidelberger Frühling and the Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival. The prize is to be presented to the Leonkoro Quartet in the summer of 2023, and the award ceremony is expected to take place in Reinbek.
Victoires de la Musique Classique 2022
Deux violoncellistes, une violoniste, une révélation lyrique et une compositrice : les 29e Victoires de la musique classique organisées au Grand Théâtre de Provence d’Aix ont récompensé de nombreuses femmes lors d’une cérémonie également marquée par un hommage rendu à l’Ukraine en guerre.

Victoires de la Musique Classique Awards 2022 Ceremony
Two cellists, a violinist, a lyrical revelation and a composer were awarded at the 29th Victoires de la Musique Classique, organised at the Grand Théâtre de Provence in Aix. The ceremony was also marked by a tribute to war-torn Ukraine.
Geffen Hall’s $550 Million Makeover

A refurbishing has taken place in David Geffen Hall, the New York Philharmonic’s home at Lincoln Center. When the hall reopens this fall, wavy beech wood will wrap around the stage — and so will the audience, in seats upholstered in richly colored patterns evoking flower petals in motion.
When the coronavirus pandemic hit, paralyzing the performing arts, the orchestra and center seized on the long shutdown to accelerate a planned makeover of Geffen Hall, gutting its main theater and reimagining its public spaces.
Now the long-delayed overhaul is almost complete. The project’s leaders announced on Wednesday that they had raised their goal of $550 million to cover the cost of the renovation, and that the hall will reopen to the public in October, a year and a half ahead of schedule.
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