

Having worked across the arts and culture sector, specialising in classical music and opera, our targeting and audience profiles for advertising have been carefully developed and established. This means that we know the right audience to target with your advertising and can also focus on reaching new audiences specific to you. 

We specialise in digital marketing, but are also highly skilled in traditional advertising and can use a combination of these together, or separately and can advise the best route suited to a goal or budget.

We also have monthly direct contact with Meta monthly, through our assigned agency representative. We are kept informed about the best tactics for using their platform to advertise, which assists us in getting us the best results possible.

We attract audiences to you through high-quality messaging, specialising in both traditional and modern methods of marketing. We can use a combination of our services to ensure you are reaching a relevant audience for your needs. Our digital team is able to create and adapt media for any of your marketing channels.

Case Study

Taipei Opera Theater

How did we get 10,000 live views?

Rexcel Group LLC approached WildKat to reach 10,000 views of their livestream of Taipei Opera’s ‘La Vida Breve’ (The Short Life) and ‘El Amor Brujo’ (The Love Spell), by Spanish composer Manuel de Falla. The target was to reach 5 key territories in Europe – United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Italy. This was an extra special performance, as the original broadcast had to be cancelled due to Coronavirus just days before the show, so a full-staged dress rehearsal was streamed live the day before.

WildKat ran a digital marketing campaign utilising newsletters, organic posts and paid-for advertising, across Facebook and YouTube in the lead-up and live with the performance, using our unique targeting expertise and approach to attain the set goal.



  • We were delighted to have 15,000 engaged viewers on the day of the performance
  • 60,000 views so far and increasing with post-performance marketing
  • On the day of the livestream, our adverts reached 300,000 people in the targeted territories with 12,000 click throughs to the performance
  • We amassed 1,300 mailing list sign-ups within 7 days